Death of Pte. F. Parrott, 17th Manchester Regt. at Oldway - 27 July 1916

Abridged from the Paignton Western Guardian 3 August 1916

The death took place at Oldway Hospital on Thursday last of Pte. F. Parrott, 17th Manchester Regt., who was badly wounded in the recent fighting in France. The body was conveyed by train to his home in Manchester on Friday. A party of convalescent soldiers from Oldway, under the direction of Corpl. Sheard, acted as bearers to the station. There was on the coffin, which bore the inscription “Frederick Parrott, died 27th July, 1916, aged 19 years,” a handsome wreath from the Committee of the A.W.W. Hospital and the staff, as an expression of sorrow for the death of a brave soldier. Mr. R. Waycott carried out the funeral arrangements. Deceased arrived with a recent batch of wounded.

Regiments Tagged - Manchester