Abridged from the Paignton Western Guardian 2 August 1917
A good many convalescent patients have recently left Oldway, and this left about 100 vacancies which were filled by a large convoy of wounded soldiers who arrived from Southampton by Red Cross train on Friday evening. There were 60 cot cases and 36 walking cases, all from France, and including a few apparently serious cases, one poor fellow having a “cage” over both feet. For the most part, however, the men were very cheerful and in excellent spirits. Members of the Fire Brigade and others acted as stretcher bearers, and the usual staff of voluntary helpers rendered their useful services at Oldway, where the patients were promptly dealt with and made comfortable. Hospital ambulances and private cars were utilized for the conveyance of the men from the station to the hospital, a considerable number of people watched the despatch of the convoy to Oldway.