Abridged from the Paignton Western Guardian 27 July 1916
This renowned military hospital is being kept full, with plenty of work for the staff, during these critical times, and following closely on the last convoy of wounded, a batch of 91 arrived in the early hours of Saturday morning. A Red Cross train from Southampton left six officers for Stoodley Knowle and 50 for Torquay Hospitals, coming on at 12.30 a.m. with its main freight. Forty of the 91 cases were cot, the 51 able to walk being, as usual, conveyed in motor buses and private motors. With their customary skill, the members of the Fire brigade removed the stretchers to the ambulances, and by 1.30 the Red Cross train had departed. At Oldway the large and efficient staff promptly dealt with the patients and there was quite a crowd of people watching the arrival of the soldiers. Some of the cot cases were rather severe, and all the men were glad to reach the end of their long journey from France. A glass of water was very acceptable to some waiting on the station for their turn to be conveyed to Oldway, but in a quiet way the men were cheerful.